Great Western Pacific Servers Class Settlement

If you worked at Crab Pot or Fishermen’s Restaurants at anytime between 2015 and 2019, and you did not sign a mandatory arbitration agreement with a class action waiver, you may be part of a class action settlement. If you received notice of the settlement in the mail in Feburary 2021, you are part of the settlement, and you should review the notice for your options. There will be a court hearing on April 9, 2021, for the Court to consider final approval of the settlement. If the settlement is approved and there are no appeals, funds will be distributed in May or June 2021. If you have moved you should be sure to notify the settlement administrator of your new address by calling (844) 975-1785, or emailing or writing to Gallaway v. Great Western Pacific Settlement Administrator, c/o JND Legal Administration, PO Box 91238, Seattle WA 98111.

If you did sign an arbitration agreement, you were excluded from the Class Settlement, but you may pursue your claims by contacting us here and completing in intake form.