Evergreen Lawsuit

Evergreen Hospital Nurses Class Action

Breskin Johnson & Townsend represents a class of all RNs who worked at Evergreen Hospital between 2011-2019 in the Emergency, MedSurg, Home Hospice, ICU/CCU, PACU, or PCU departments.  The case is McFarland v. Evergreen (King County case no. 16-2-27488-9).  It is based on Evergreen’s failure to provide all rest and meal breaks required by law, and last summer, we won a $21 million judgment for the class against Evergreen. If you received a postcard from us about your entitlement to part of the 2023 judgment against Evergreen, you are a class member in the case.

Trial Victory

After 6 years of litigating and a 4-week trial last summer (2023), the RNs won.  We have obtained a $21M judgment against Evergreen consisting of wages, interest, penalties, and attorney’s fees and costs (view judgment here and supplemental judgment here). As a class member, you are entitled to a share of that judgment based on the number of hours you worked during the class period. The Court’s determination about the amount of your share of the judgment was in the postcard you should have received in December 2023. If you have questions about the amount, you can email us at classaction@bjtlegal.com.

Evergreen’s Appeal

Unfortunately, Evergreen is appealing the judgment, which may take 1-2 years, and payments are on hold until the appeal is finished. Daily interest on the judgment (and on the amount owed to you) will accrue, but that is no substitute for actually receiving the wages the Court and jury have determined Evergreen owes you.

Next Steps

  1. Contact us: If your address or phone number changes, please let us know by emailing classaction@bjtlegal.com so we can make sure your check goes to the right place when the appeal is done!
  2. Check on the appeal status: Visit this website regularly learn the latest news about the status of the appeal, including timing of the hearing and approximate timing of a decision.
  3. Contact Evergreen about its decision to appeal rather than pay the judgment to its RNs: Your voice counts. As a public hospital district, Evergreen is funded by and  accountable to the public, including King County taxpayers, its employees, and other community members and stakeholders. Evergreen professes that, as a public hospital district, it is guided by “its purpose, mission, vision and values.”  It states that its values include “Compassion – We care for and about our patients, families, and each other” and “Accountability – We are accountable to one another and our community.” If you would like to make your voice heard, consider attending one of Evergreen’s Board’s public meetings. The schedule is available here. Feel free to reach out and let us know if you plan to attend, or if you would like to get a group of class members together to do so.

Who are we?

Breskin Johnson & Townsend PLLC is a leader in Washington prosecuting class actions against employers, insurers, and other corporations.  When these companies commit wrongs against a large group of individuals in the same manner, a class action is often the best and sometimes the only way to hold them accountable.  Over the past 20 years, we have recovered millions of dollars for employees, consumers, and others who were victims of wage theft, discrimination, unlawful dismissal, employee retaliation, and other practices.  Please contact us if you have questions about a potential class action.